Saturday, January 8, 2011

Skiing With the Big Boys

This is where Jim spent all day Friday.  Moonlight Basin.

This is who he spent the day with.  There were about 15 people from church taking advantage of the $20 lift ticket day.  Jim got some more instruction on skiing and even skied a Blue. 

Addition Update:  They installed most of the windows in the new addition yesterday.  Yay!  Totally unrelated to that is the fact that both G & D's present bedrooms have wet carpets. Boo!   Apparently melting snow leaked in from the roof, that had the eaves cut off to attach the present new walls.  We have a call in to our contractor.

1 comment:

Susan Beth said...

Sorry about the wet - yuck!

Had dinner with Mick and Kate last night and Mick was very complementary of Jim's skiing! Says he's really making progress and keeps up well!