We interrupt this time of baby loving to wish you all a very Merry Christmas,
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
...apparently you are not supposed to wipe an "on" light bulb with a wet cloth. I now have one less to dust next time.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
One Week and Counting
In one week the first of our Christmas guests will arrive; The Castle Family. There are no words to describe the joy and anticipation I am feeling. The best part is I also feel ready; gifts bought, wrapped, freezer full, pantry stocked. (That might explain my absence from blogging for awhile!) There are still rooms to be cleaned, pack-n-plays to be borrowed, menus to be planned but that will get completed this week. And here is a sneak preview of why this mama's heart is about to explode!
![]() |
Devan and Henry |
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Day 30
30 Days of Thanks
This has been a profitable exercise in finding things to be thankful for. It has caused me to stop each day, and to find something different for which to be grateful. I think this sums it up well.
"Thankfulness takes the sting out of adversity. That is why I have instructed you to give thanks for everything. There is an element of mystery in this transaction: you give Me thanks (regardless of your feelings) and I give you Joy (regardless of your circumstances)."
~ Sarah Young, "Jesus Calling"
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Day 29
Homework Done
I have one that does not see the benefit, reason or necessity of doing homework. Last night, he spent time at the table with his books. I can't tell you the last time I saw that. I am thankful that he is learning to make better choices about the things that are good for him.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Day 28
Uncle Carlton
I am thankful for easy communication. Being able to pick up the phone and talk to loved ones makes living in Montana doable. Saturday I called my great-uncle, Carlton. I haven't seen him in over two years, but his voice immediately transported me to his back porch in Moorefield, WV. He has been a constant my entire life; always there, always pleasant, always positive. Believe me, I've tried to get him to give up the family dirt, but he won't talk! However, he does talk about his life-long friends that have been more like family to him, the newest minister at his Methodist church, his travels, and he always asks about Jim and the kids. I am thankful the Lord has granted him a 90+-year life. He has served so many people well, including this grateful great-niece.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Day 27
My Job
Today I am thankful for my job. You don't know how hard that is to say. I didn't want a job. But I needed a job, and that is why I can say I am thankful for my job. I work for a great company, with good people and I even get amazing benefits for being a part-timer. Maybe some day I won't have to work. But for this time and in this place I am glad to have my job.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Day 26
Day 26
Today I am thankful for a day at home, cleaning, straightening and preparing to put up our Christmas tree tonight. Oh, and today I am also especially thankful that Baby Henry was able to go home from the hospital.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Day 25: Thanksgiving
Today I am thankful for Thanksgiving Day. Yesterday was a wonderful day of reading in bed, preparing a turkey with Jim, watching the kiddos make the rest of the meal, curling hair, burning candles, eating delicious food, napping, having guests for Dessert and Games, and talking on the phone with the babes that weren't here. What a great day! Hope you had a nice celebration!
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Day 24: Children
These two have a shared experience that no one else can enter into.
A wonderful journey of shared heartbeats that progressed to the culmination of, what docs are calling, a traumatic birth. I would dare say most births are traumatic. But so are most births followed by the inexplicable fascination and undying devotion of mother and child. I am even more enthralled with my daughter as she is becoming more captivated by her son.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Day 23
The Word
The last 48 hours have been bathed in prayer for Little Henry. When I had no more words, I was thankful for the words written so long ago, that fit perfectly into my life.
What amazing power the words of God have on my life, thousands of years after they were written.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Monday, November 21, 2011
Day 21
Doug and Danae
After being at the hospital for over 28 hours, the Castle's are still waiting on Baby to make his/her arrival. I didn't think it was "possible" to be in labor for so long, after the water broke. I am thankful, I think!, for medical advances that have enabled her to keep laboring, trying to get to that magic number, 10! I am also thankful for the perseverance of a daughter and son-in-law to do what is best for their baby. I am thankful that they are going to be great parents!
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Day 20: Birthday
Birth Day
I am thankful that my grandchild will be born today.
I am thankful for the advances of modern medicine.
I am thankful for the miracle of new life.
I am thankful for cell phones and text messages.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Day Nineteen
Grocery Shopping With Jim
I enjoy when Jim and I get to grocery shop together. It adds a whole new dimension to the routine task. I am thankful for a cohort that knows how to make the most mundane into the most amusing.
We stopped at Rosauer's for bread, but were delighted to find the finishing touches for our Thursday meal.
Black Olives .50/can
Swanson's Chicken Broth .59/can
Celery .39/lb
Turkey .49/lb
Jim was not so excited about the black olives; he even mentioned to the cashier that those could be the one thing that would finally break our marriage. That and the fact that I didn't think we needed the celery he threw into our cart. How in the world have we made it this far?
Friday, November 18, 2011
Day 18
A Warm Bath
After being on my feet for 3 hours at the end of a work day, in heels, talking to people I didn't really know, clearing tables, handing out parting gifts at our bank-sponsored Business After Hours I was thankful for a tub full of warm bubbly water.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Day 17: It Takes A Village
Today I am thankful that Charles Devan joined our family. But let me tell you. It took a lot of us to get him here. I don't know if Christa would agree, but just take a look.
I got a call from Christa at 8:30am saying that the hospital had called, and they had "an opening" (what is this? A hair salon?) if they wanted to come in. So they were on their way. I emailed the ladies at work at 11:30:
"So I texted Jason to ask how things were going. He replied-
“So far so good. I
am updating things on my facebook page as they happen”.
Oh, brother…I can’t access that until after
3:00. So I asked him to throw me a
line every once in awhile!
This was the response I got from Kasarah...
Wheeoo!!! Keep us updated!
….if you want you can check your facebook on my phone lol ( I won’t tell)
To which I responded...
Thanks, I think we have a system figured out. My other daughter will forward me on any facebook
updates through my email here.
So Danae proceeded to send me emails when Jason or his dad would post anything on facebook.
Simultaneously, Jason's mom took on the responsibility of texting me with each update.
Danae sent me a photo of the L&D room with Christa and Jason. This was wonderful, because I opened that photo several times and prayed for the delivery, for peace, and perfect health, and wisdom for the doc. It was almost like I was there.
I got updates from Dana about the water being broken, about the epidural, and finally one text that said "9". I thought 9? What does that mean? NINE!!!! Was she dialated to 9? Then I got an email from Nae...
She is a 9! Only a few
more minutes!
It was at this precise moment that things got very busy at my desk. Customers needed attending (the nerve!). A visiting group needed a trash can and liner (On this one I walked to Ryan's desk and asked him for a favor "since I was about to have a baby") Several Coke and wine deliveries were made for our Business After Hours event. My doc called with blood test results. Ack!
At 2:20 I got this from Nae...They are calling in the Doctor now...any minute!
To which I replied...I have no more fingernails…..
To which she replied...I am the same. I keep refreshing the facebook page...
To which I replied...I know, I’m frozen at my desk, and will NOT leave until I hear.
I sent out an email to the bank ladies (I don't think the guys had any idea that I was about to give birth to a grandbaby!) to which one replied...Hurray!!!! How exciting! This same gal kept asking me "Kim?" every three minutes to see if anything was happening.
At 2:45 I got this from Nae...I have to go to the bathroom...oh no! Should I wait or just run for it? :)
To which I replied...Run! No wait, WAIT!
She ran anyway, and Kristi said "Kim?"
Dana texted me and said "Head delivered" .
Danae got back from her potty break and said..."I ran...nothing has happened yet!"
So at 2:58 I got the two texted photos of our newest family member. I teared up, at my desk...real professional! The courier walked in and said "What's new with you?" I wiped the tears from my eyes and said "I just had a grandson!" And within seconds I was able to show her a photo of Baby D.
Welcome Baby D...we are ALL so glad you are here!
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Day 16
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Day of Thanks #15
Feeling At Home
I am thankful for the feeling that you finally get after being in a place long enough to know people. Last night we went to a Winter Sports Meeting at BHS. When we walked into the cafeteria we were greeted by numerous parents of boys DK has been playing ball with. It was nice, to not still feel like the new kid. We have traveled all over MT (and Spokane!) this past year with some of these families. Good families. Nice people. It's good to be known. It's good to feel at home.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Day 14
Anticipating 17 people for Christmas has me both very excited, and very earnestly seeking handmade Christmas gift ideas. I've started on a few, and I am thankful for the sense of satisfaction I receive when I am being creative. There is something wonderful about spending time and effort, one stitch at a time, on a special gift for someone.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Day 13
I am thankful for a day of rest...if that's what you call it when you're the Pastor's family. But it is a day like no other, and I think that is what the sabbath is all about. I always look forward to a nap on Sundays, the only day I nap. And the weather is white and chilly, so it should be especially delightful to snuggle down under the covers this afternoon.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Day 12
This morning I am thankful for a wonderland of white that has kept me indoors. No running around, no trying to get everything done, no playing taxi. Oh, and I don't have a car. That probably has a lot to do with it. :) But I am joyfully nesting....for myself, and for my two expectant daughters! If they are going to have everything clean and organized, shouldn't I, too? After all, they will be visiting with babes in arms in nearly six weeks! I better get that pantry in order!
Friday, November 11, 2011
Day 11
A Clean Kitchen
This may be more of a "Things I Love" or "Things I Want" kind of a post, but in all reality, a clean kitchen in something I AM thankful for. I read the following on Beth's blog and had to agree, this is totally me.
*I don't know if I can properly describe to you the relation between my resting blood pressure and the amount of dirty dishes piled up in our sink at any given time. I just breathe easier when things are fresh and clean in the kitchen. It feels like I can pour myself a glass of water without nasty germies climbing up out of the drain and contaminating my cup. Not to mention, I am much more in the mood to cook when I have a fresh space to work with -- rather than having to clean up before I begin a new meal... I don't know how to fully explain what a gift a clean kitchen is to me. Even if I'm in a completely different room, if I know there are dishes in the sink it stresses me out a bit. Like having homework hanging over your head on a Saturday. You're trying to have fun, but you can't totally relax and enjoy until that stuff is crossed off your list."
I even had the privilege of delivering the "please-clean-the-kitchen-after-you-use-it" speech at dinner the other night. That was prompted by a train wreck of a morning scene of leftovers, pans and dishes strewn around my "it-was-clean-when-I-went-to-bed" kitchen. Let me explain; I have absolutely no problem with anyone fixing a little snack, or even a full blown meal, or in this case, both. I have ever only had One Request. Uno. I should NOT be able to tell what you fixed. No dirty dishes, no leftovers left out, no pans in the sink, no crumbs on the counter. Does that sound like more than one request? I have carefully constructed my One Request to fit with my Clean Kitchen Obsession. If you're not willing to clean up magazine perfect, drive to Taco Bell and get a snack! Unless you're David. Then you can long-board.
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