Friday, November 11, 2011

Day 11

A Clean Kitchen


This may be more of a "Things I Love" or "Things I Want" kind of a post, but in all reality, a clean kitchen in something I AM thankful for.  I read the following on Beth's blog and had to agree, this is totally me.  

*I don't know if I can properly describe to you the relation between my resting blood pressure and the amount of dirty dishes piled up in our sink at any given time. I just breathe easier when things are fresh and clean in the kitchen. It feels like I can pour myself a glass of water without nasty germies climbing up out of the drain and contaminating my cup. Not to mention, I am much more in the mood to cook when I have a fresh space to work with -- rather than having to clean up before I begin a new meal... I don't know how to fully explain what a gift a clean kitchen is to me. Even if I'm in a completely different room, if I know there are dishes in the sink it stresses me out a bit. Like having homework hanging over your head on a Saturday. You're trying to have fun, but you can't totally relax and enjoy until that stuff is crossed off your list."

I even had the privilege of delivering the "please-clean-the-kitchen-after-you-use-it" speech at dinner the other night.  That was prompted by a train wreck of a morning scene of leftovers, pans and dishes strewn around my "it-was-clean-when-I-went-to-bed" kitchen.  Let me explain; I have absolutely no problem with anyone fixing a little snack, or even a full blown meal, or in this case, both.  I have ever only had One Request.  Uno.  I should NOT be able to tell what you fixed.  No dirty dishes, no leftovers left out, no pans in the sink, no crumbs on the counter.  Does that sound like more than one request?  I have carefully constructed my One Request to fit with my Clean Kitchen Obsession.  If you're not willing to clean up magazine perfect, drive to Taco Bell and get a snack!  Unless you're David.  Then you can long-board.

1 comment:

KillerB said...

Woohoo! Thank you for the shout out -- I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels so strongly about a clean kitchen :)